I picked this up on a whim because it was on sale. I had been wanting to buy some tea tree oil because I keep hearing about how amazing it is for blemishes. I've read on some blogs that just a dab of tea tree oil can heal a blemish overnight! Thats kind of amazing, so you can understand why I'd want to try it! Anyways, I came across this by accident, and in big bold letters on packaging it said tea tree oil. Obviously, I had to try it! I've been using it for a couple of days now and I have to admit; it's pretty amazing! I put some on some blemishes the night i got home and the next morning they were almost completely healed! I was super excited to say the least. Today I went to the movies and all I wore was mascara because I felt like my skin looked amazing. That hardly ever happens with me. I always wear at least some concealer and powder on my minimal lazy days. Anyways, this product works AMAZINGLY! I highly recommend it!
It works
Not harsh on my dry skin; no peeling, dryness, or irritation
Pretty affordable at about $8 to $9
It claims to be 99% natural
easy to use rollerball applicator
strong herbal smell; it doesn't bother me though. Its made up of different natural herbal oils. That may bother some people.